UAW Member Advisory Committee on Ethics

Dear UAW Sibling,

At the July 2022 Constitutional Convention, the delegates to the Convention voted to reconstitute the Member Advisory Committee on Ethics by soliciting member representatives from each UAW Region. This Committee is a critical component of the overall work to build a truly participatory, member-driven union. The Committee will play a crucial role in improving our internal processes, ensuring transparency, and building member participation – all towards building a more and more powerful union that can take on the billionaire class and win a just and democratic future for all working people.

All interested Region 6 members who have been a member for 1 year are encouraged to apply. Learn more about the position below, and submit your application here by December 2. 

Committee Responsibilities

  • Reviewing the Union’s existing internal rules and policies on ethical practices and financial matters – including the Ethical Practices Codes, Administrative Letters, and other guidance – and how those rules and policies are understood by the Union’s Officers and employees.

  • Drawing upon Committee members’ individual experience and expertise to develop any recommendations to the IEB for improving existing ethics guidelines, practices (both financial and ethical), policies, enforcement standards, and education of these standards.

  • Reviewing the operation and function of the Ethics Officer positions to determine whether adjustments might improve their effectiveness and/or promote transparency.

  • The Committee will provide a mechanism for two-way communication between the Committee union members and the Ethics Officer to enhance understanding, acceptance, and operations of the Ethics Program. The Committee will have the ability to make recommendations about the operation of the Ethics Program to the Ethics Officer, who will give full consideration to those recommendations but will not be bound to accept them.

Committee Composition & Duration

  • The committee will be composed of one permanent member and one alternative member from each UAW Region, as well as the UAW Ethics Officer.

  • The Members Advisory Committee would convene and perform its functions until the next UAW Constitutional Convention (July 2026). At that point, report(s) will be made to the Constitutional Convention delegates, and determinations will be made by the Convention delegates as to whether the Committee should continue, either for a fixed period of time beyond 2026 or indefinitely.

Selection of Committee Members 

  • The only criteria or prerequisite to being selected to serve on the Member Advisory Committee is that the applicants have been a UAW member in good standing for one year. Members must remain in good standing for the duration of their service on the Committee.

  • Interested UAW members in Region 6 must submit your expression of interest by December 2, 2024 by filling out this short form.

In Solidarity,

Mike Miller

Director, UAW Region 6


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