Summer Political Action

Dear UAW Sibling, 

Across Region 6, members are spending this summer building political power for working people -- both towards winning key races in November that will help advance our issues, and also to realize a vision for long-lasting social, economic & climate justice. Keep reading for updates and more information about how you can get involved!

Presidential Race & Endorsement Discussion

Over the weekend, President Biden announced his decision to end his bid for reelection. Now is the time to build a fighting movement – not just to beat Trump in November, but also to build a future that truly works for working people. In case you missed it earlier this week, read the full Region 6 statement here. All UAW Region 6 members are strongly encouraged to participate in this ongoing work: fill out this form to get involved.  

As a union, we have not yet made a decision on an endorsement for the new nominee. All Region 6 members are invited to take part in a discussion to help shape that decision, tomorrow, Wednesday 7/24 at 6pm via zoom. We will discuss members’ perspectives on whether UAW should endorse Vice President Harris, as well as top priorities for the presidential nominee. Register here to join.

Cross-Union Escalation for Justice for Palestine

Today UAW, SEIU, NEA, APWU, AFA, UE, & IUPAT sent a letter to the Biden Administration calling for an immediate halt to all U.S. military aid to Israel in the interest of securing a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and lasting peace in the region. The letter declares that “the time to act decisively to end this war is now. Stopping US military aid to Israel is the quickest & most sure way to do so, it is what US law demands, & it will show your commitment to securing a lasting peace in the region.” Read the full press release here

Region 6 Political Action Conference

The Region 6 Political Action Conference is coming up on August 17-18 in Pico Rivera, California. The conference is open to all members, and will be a key chance to develop strategic plans & organizing skills to win major victories for working people this November and beyond. Check out the call letter for more info, and get in touch with your Local if you're interested in attending.

State Labor Conventions

Members of Local 230, Local 1115/CAPS, and Local 4811 participated in the California Federation of Labor Unions Convention in San Diego this month, where delegates voted unanimously to pass two resolutions brought by Local 4811, one protecting the right to protest and one on Opportunity for All. UAW President Shawn Fain joined to give keynote remarks. 

Also this month, members of Locals 4121, 4591, and WAWU participated in the Washington State Labor Council Convention, and helped pass resolutions on ceasefire in Gaza and the right to protest, expanding state funding for university labor centers, raising the minimum wage, and a resolution calling for unions to align contracts for May 1, 2028. 

Gender Pay Equity for State Scientists

California State Scientists of Local 1115/CAPS are currently in bargaining over pay equity and other demands. To build additional leverage for their demands, they are also actively organizing to pass AB 2335, a bill aimed at ending the gender pay gap between State Scientists and Engineers. State Scientists are majority non-male, and do similar work as Engineers, but currently make up to 40% less. 

Organizing for a Worker-Led Transition to a Green Economy

UAW Center for Manufacturing a Green Economy, a program to build a worker-led green economy and workforce training is gaining momentum. UAW members and UAW-CMGE met with acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su along with Unite HERE Local 11, Worker Power, Jobs to Move America, Organized Power in Numbers, Lucha, and Chispa for a round table discussion on creating good union jobs. 


Building skills to build a movement


Unions Call on Biden Admin to Halt Military Aid to Israel